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Be Successfull In MLM Using Human Psychology

If you want to convince people to join your multi-level marketing business, but people are not coming with you. They always go away after you tell them about your plans. Is this is your problem, then keep reading this post and I will tell you the best way to convince people to join your network marketing business and work with you with there all capability.

Know about human psychology in MLM Business

If you also want to expand your team and make a very large network, then you have to learn about human psychology. You should not do those mistakes which are done by others that you sit and start explaining about your company, product, and plan. If you are also doing this like others then you must fail in this direct selling business. There is close to 100% chance of your failure.

But if you want to be successful in this MLM business then you have to understand about human psychology. When the people decide that this is good for me or not, and how they decide it.

To know about it keep reading this article and I will tell you all the process step by step in this article that how you will convince people and make their decision to join your network marketing business.

1)Form a wrap-up first

Someone wants to join your MLM business and work with you, it should be his decision. That feeling must come from his heart, not from your plan's feature and your company status. You have to be a business consultant here, a business counsellor for him. You have to consult him to join your company and talk like a business coach not as a distributor. You are not a distributor, you are a business coach for your downline.

You must understand that your downline is believed in you as a coach not as a distributor. So from now if someone asks about your profession then you have to say to them that you are a business consultant.

Now let suppose you are sitting with your friend. And the tip I am going to tell you now will work with everyone, every single person. The same technique you can use with anyone.
The first one when you are sitting with your friend or any prospect as I told you it will work with everyone, so after sitting you have to do wrap up formation, not start directly.
Now, what do you mean by a wrap-up formation, it means that you have let him feel comfortable with you. Firstly talk about his current job, life and lifestyle. You have to speak less more listen to him and try to predict about him.

2)Make Him Comfortable With You 

Now after making him comfortable, you have to let him speak what exactly you want to listen. Now what you want to listen, let me tell you. Now when he is comfortable with you then ask him about his profession. If he says student then it is alright, if he says to that he is doing some business then also it is alright and in any condition, it is alright because there exists a primary motivation factor that is money. Everybody wants to make money. If anyone is studying today because he wants to earn tomorrow. So everybody wants to make money for sure, so money is the primary motivating factor.
Let's go forward now he responded any about his profession, you have to say to him that are you want to make more money, or want to do the job? Which job you want to do and how much you want to earn. Ultimately you have to come on money.

3)Tell Him About His Goals

Then you have to ask him about the goals of his life, and then make a prediction that how much he has to earn to achieve that goal and tell him about your calculations. Now you have to set your mouth up and let him speak, you should not speak let him speak and feel about his dreams because everyone has dreams bigger than his capability, and in such a comfortable moment he will tell you about his goals and dreams.

Then tell them about the difference between there current situation and their goals. Let's suppose he is earning 2 thousand dollars and his goals need 5 thousand dollars.

Now your work is going to be very simple, you have to start consulting him now, not start telling about your product plan and company, you are not a distributor you are a consultant. You have to ask him about the option about to earn as much his goal is demanding. He will say that he has no options or if some options then they are so impractical.

He said exactly what you wanted to listen. These are exactly that line which can convert your prospect into your business partner.

Now you have to ask him the magical question, "what if I tell you a method by which you can earn more money than you need". He will definitely ask you about your method he must want to know about the method to earn more. Now see what your prospect come forward by himself to take presentation.

4)Don't Be So Desperate, make him more curious 

But stop you have not started here, just like you have seen in many movies that boy ignores girl to make the girl think about the boy. Same here you have to watch in your watch and say that you have not so much time today, you have some important meeting today and you are going to be late for that. You have to show him that you are so busy. And if you will end that conversation here than that person will come to your home or will call you later to know about the plan you was telling him. He is now so curious about your plan because there present the most powerful factor money. And here your 90 per cent work is done.

You did not take the name of the company, product or plan still he is so curious. This the power of human psychology and here most of the multi level marketers failed. They did not make any wrap-up and start with there presentation. Who will join you they already familiar with any of the plan he will forget about it also like other insurance, fix deposits or other plans because he is not curious about your plan.


You guys as seen in the article you have to play with his mind and use psychology to convince your prospect. First, make him curious about your MLM scheme and then don't tell him the scheme why which he will be more curious about your plan and he will be in your era.

I hope you like this article and this idea also. If like then please share it with all your downline and expand your network.

Thank you


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