Is it permissible to do network marketing business for SBI employee?
The network marketing is the best marketing plan, which is is discoverwd ever. and if you want to know that about your quetion Is it permissible to do network marketing business for SBI employee? you must have to know about what is mlm or multi level marketing . And the answer of your que will give to you in the last of the article. So keep reading the article till end.
what is mlm or multi level marketing
Here i will only tell you a short knowledge about mlm or network marketing but if you want to know about it in detail then follow the link above and go to the main article .
So, the mlm is a business modal in which the company is not waste his money on the advertisment, they recruit there custumer of there product, and say them for word to mouth advertisment. And for this the company going to pay them commition on there profit.
Now it is very important to know that is the company have really any product or not. Because there are many illegle mlm company are present in market, they have nothing on the name of product. They are ponzy scheme. You guys never go for those company.
If you want to know how to choose a right company for you mlm business then follow the link given below and go to the article where i explained how to choose the best mlm company.
Is direct selling or network marketing is legal in india
Let's talk about the legalness of mlm in india. So the network markeing is completely legal in india, after the association and guidlinse of IDSA ( INDIAN DIRECT SELLING ASSOCIATION).
you may follow the link below and read all the guidlince of IDSA for direct selling
you may follow the link below and read all the guidlince of IDSA for direct selling
Now you may think by own that the indian govrnment itself allow the people of india to do direct selling then why SBI EMPLOYEE can not do network marketing.
Now you may think by own that the indian govrnment itself allow the people of india to do direct selling then why SBI EMPLOYEE can not do network marketing.
So we conclude finally that not only SBI employee, all indian are free to do network marketing no one going to stop you by saying that it is illegal. And someone says you then you may tell them to read this article. or send them to IDSA site.
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