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(also called network marketing or direct selling ) Best Natural Products to lose weight Multi Level Marketing or MLM or what is mlm meaning , what does it mean. well it may surprise you but it is something that you already do every day, Multi Level Marketing simply means word-of-mouth advertising , or recommending something to someone. If you take a moment to think about it this is something that we all do on a regular basis, we refer friends to our favourite restaurants, movies and vacation spots. We refer books stores, doctors and any number of products that we like to people we know it's simply part of our nature. So the fact is we are all technically Multi Level Marketer, it's just who we are the difference is most of us don't get paid to do this. But some people do and they get paid very well. As you will learn in a moment they are compensated for far more than just their personal recommendations. Let's look at an example,let's say you refer your f...
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