When internet usage was not very popular. So to get the goods directly from shop to shop, one had to roam from one shop to another. For which the customer had to pay the price of the item fixed by the shopkeeper. At which the shopkeeper used to pay the rent of his shop, salary of his salesmen etc. on the customers. But in spite of all this, even after the customer has paid double the amount to buy the item, the customer has no guarantee of the quality of his goods.
Apart from this, one more fact has emerged.
That is when goods from the company or factory reach customers through publicity through transport to the customers through the seller. It turns out. In which the commissions of middlemen also have to be paid by the customers. Apart from this, the cost of promoting the product made by the company also falls on the pocket of the customers.
Network Marketing / MLM
Network marketing or simply say that since the business of multi level marketing has come in the market, people have got a lot of convenience from network marketing. In the traditional marketing of old, goods were sold to the customers through the middlemen. But in multi level marketing, customers are transported without any middleman. Due to this, the product that comes from multi-level marketing is available to the customers in the market price. This is because no matter how much the company spends in promoting its product, customers do not have to compensate for it.
In multi-level marketing, you do not have to go from shop to shop, or from one shop to another to buy anything. You can buy goods sitting at home, which does not have to be paid any extra price. Apart from this, MLM has also made it easier for people to do business. In network marketing, without any middlemen or any medium, it helps you to reach your target.
Not only this, the old system marketing of traditional means to take franchise of any branded company, the company has to follow a lot of rules, and also has to pay security money as a guarantee. So that company does not buy other local products.
ponzi scheme
The ponzi scheme or the chain of fraud has been going on for years now. Ponzji Scheme originated from a person born in Italy, Chauls Paunji. Which first laid the foundation for his fraudulent business from Italy Canada and America. Taking the people in his deception, the innocent spear lured the people into earning more money in less time, and escaped with the money. Along with this, after cheating from one place, from time to time, the city changed and other people started to choose to be chosen.
It is mentioned that the Ponzi scheme was also included in the English Dictionary of Oxford in the year 1964. People invest money in the capital scheme with the belief that they can get more money in less time. So that when joining at the beginning the logo is silver. Because those people benefit from the investment of other investors. Due to which the same people come to greed and invest more money to earn more profits, which later makes all the money of such operator liable.
They send the email and message and execute the fraud
The capital scheme operators first open a new company, in which they keep two or four people on salary or commission basis in the company. And the job of those agents is to tell people about the scheme of their company. The agents, who have to take the data of those people by means of other means, send them over the phone or by email, to tell them the breathtaking scheme that if you deposit so much money then you will get double the amount of money within that time. And they are asked to join their newly established company, and will get the benefit of other benefits to join without delay.
Company names and states remain active
Ponzi scheme operators keep changing their hideout after executing a thug from a state. With this, these thugs change the name of the company and go to other states and open a new company with a new name, and then they start the business of fraud. And others keep making the common people fool.These thugs are constantly active in different states by changing their names. Therefore, do not fall into the trap of such people and always stay alert. And apart from this you also have some information or if you want to ask me something.
In this post we have compare the basic differrence in marketing and mlm and ponzi scheme. Before putting your money in MLM, confirm completely that the person on whom you are investing your money is not fraudulent. Even if he does business in MLM or not, in which product he invests money and there is also many information that you need to have.After understanding the above information first, make sure to implement these things, by following which you can make a necessary networking business. Apart from this, if you have any question related to network marketing or MLM, you can share it with us in the comment box.
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