Why do people migrate from network marketing or mlm
As you all know, how easy it is to do business in network marketing, there is no need to open a big office in this, nor to invest huge amount of money. Along with this, this business gives freedom to every person who wants to work independently. Network Marketing delivers products and services to the public through a network of independent representatives.
Today, the business of network marketing where on one side is covered like a cloud and has become the first choice of every youth. Then why are people leaving network marketing / MLM. This is also a big question. After all, when you can start your business by investing less money in network marketing, then what is the reason that people want to come out of this business.
Let us know again the reasons why people are stepping away from MLM.
Reason 1
- lack of information
Do you want to become a good network marketer in MLM, then it is very important to have information about network marketing because without this information, no business can get success in this business. Because that's why it is important that only then you can become a successful marketer. Otherwise, due to lack of information, another option will have to be found.
Reason 2
- Lack of purpose
Many people do not know why they are working in network marketing, why do they want to work in this business, or even knowing they want to do it. If those people are asked, their answer will be to earn money, but do not know how. But this reason is insufficient, to get success in business. This is the only reason, because of which people are not able to succeed in this business, due to which today almost 90 percent of the people are forced to leave this business. Therefore, it is important to move ahead only by keeping your target, and work by setting your objective. Because when you do not know your purpose, what work you will be doing and what you are doing for it, then how can you get success well. Therefore, to get success in any work, it is necessary to have an objective, and that knowledge should be well-intentioned.
Reason 3
- Poor Mentor-ship - Negative Thinking
If you are entering this business through a sponsor, then it is your responsibility to make him a new member of the company i.e. give you the right information about the company and make you fully aware of network marketing. But this does not happen often, in the initial stage, the sponsor gets the right information for some time to the new member associated with the company, but over time, the sponsor leaves the new member.
But it is also important, in network marketing, connect with the person who knows more about this business, because the more your sponsor knows about marketing, the better you will understand this business, if your sponsor If you do not know anything, then he can take you to this trade. If this is not the case, even a small business can take you from the floor to the hail. As big as the business is, it does not take much time to sink. Because incomplete information can not be successful. Such a person also drowns himself and takes away people.
Reason 4
- Early Expectation - Early Expectation
Before starting a business in network marketing, people expect a lot from it, especially those who have come to this new business. But for them, those rounds are completely challenging. For this, they need to be targeted first. Network marketing should not be run on anyone's personal expectations, but if you know more about it, then success will kiss your steps.
Lack of daily activities and goal setting:
Network marketing business is such that you can start by setting up a small set-up at home. But to get immense success in network marketing, it is necessary to give at least two or three hours daily in this business by setting your goals. Because without aiming at a minimum or not giving a minimum of time daily, you will not be able to go far in this trade, or you may have to leave this trade in other lines in the early stages of trading. Therefore, it is important to do your daily business and goals by maximizing the promotion of your business, and check your goals, that how much business is increased by working daily, or to fulfill the deficiency that is left.
The right company is facing the brunt of the wrong company of mlm which are ponzi or pyramid scheme
The network marketing and multi-level marketing market has expanded rapidly with the speed in India. But at the same time, in many parts of India, due to the wrong plan of the company, Fraud Investment Company also runs away with the money of the people, which now has to bear the brunt of the right companies running in the eyes of the government. Due to which the concerned ministry also appears concerned in these matters, but so far all the schemes of the government on these fraud companies are failing. In the past years, some of the chit fund scams in the country have put not only the government but also the people of the country.
In which it is mainly the chit fund fraud of West Bengal or the selection of crores of rupees by the Sahara group, apart from this, the famous Indian company PACL has not been behind in cheating people. Who, on the pretext of doubling the money, has chosen millions of people for crores of rupees. Which is considered to be the largest privately dhotale in Bharata. Which has also made the issue of elections in political parties. Which has given election parties the spice of election. Due to the actions of these companies, the network marketing company and companies working in multi-level marketing have to face government poles too many times.
Transparency in work
It is necessary for companies working in network marketing and multi level marketing to stay in the marketing and to keep the companies running properly in the market, keep your image and company clear and do not let fake companies come to Jhansi. Also, there should be transparency in your work, so that your customers can understand the way you work, transparency is also necessary so that your Customers should also keep trust in your company.
Beware of cheating
Nowadays, not only in foreign countries but in India too, the craze of online business and online shopping has gone up. But at the same time, in the name of online shopping, multi-level marketing and network marketing, Chitfundio also continues to target the innocent people by opening their cheat shop. Along with this, these chit fund companies work in different types of schemes in multi level marketing and commodity schemes. This company usually absconds in the rural areas by tricking innocent people into doubling their money by tricking them.
But there is another truth about these companies, that is that all these companies have the same condition, that is, this company does not stay in the market for much time. It proves to be a failure. Many such fake companies keep coming in the market. Which leaves a bad result for the right company after the fraud. Because of which social tension also arises due to the right company and their plans. Such a chit fund company is not registered by the government, due to which such company and their schemes do not give any fruit at the right end and absconds.
Agent holds heavy commission
Most company owners run fake companies running in the name of multi level marketing, trusting agents. Which is run by the agent, in return, other agents also get huge commission. Whatever be the plans of these companies, but they have only one intention, that is to cheat people. Most such fraudsters claim to give huge returns to the company people, whose investors get caught in the fraud. Therefore, at the initial stage, the company gives benefits to the investors, but after a few days, it escapes with the money of all the investors. In which all such chit fund companies are operated in the eyes of the police and the concerned administration.
Before putting your money in MLM, confirm completely that the person on whom you are investing your money is not fraudulent. Even if he does business in MLM or not, in which product he invests money and there is also many information that you need to have. If you also have some information related to multi level marketing or if you want to ask us something, then you can go to the comment box and comment.
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